Invalid Session ID - Before and After

Hello everyone!

I’m constantly getting “invalid session ID” error and I’m not able to find out what is wrong in our environment.

Errors like:

Emitted | step.start (I click “//span[text()=“Analytics de recrutamento”]”)
I click “//span[text()=“Analytics de recrutamento”]”
» [SmartWait (5000ms)] Locating //span[text()=“Analytics de recrutamento”] in 5000
Delaying for 400ms
Emitted | step.passed (I click “//span[text()=“Analytics de recrutamento”]”)
Emitted | step.finish (I click “//span[text()=“Analytics de recrutamento”]”)
Emitted | step.start (I wait for visible “#custom_iframe”)
I wait for visible “#custom_iframe
Emitted | step.passed (I wait for visible “#custom_iframe”)
Emitted | step.finish (I wait for visible “#custom_iframe”)
Delaying for 400ms
Emitted | step.start (I wait for element “#custom_iframe”)
I wait for element “#custom_iframe
Delaying for 400ms
Emitted | step.passed (I wait for element “#custom_iframe”)
Emitted | step.finish (I wait for element “#custom_iframe”)
Delaying for 400ms
Emitted | step.start (I switch to “#custom_iframe”)
I switch to “#custom_iframe
» [SmartWait (5000ms)] Locating #custom_iframe in 5000
[1] Retrying… Attempt #2
» [SmartWait (5000ms)] Locating #custom_iframe in 5000
[1] Error | invalid session id: invalid session id
Emitted | step.failed (I switch to “#custom_iframe”)
Emitted | step.finish (I switch to “#custom_iframe”)
[1] Error | invalid session id: invalid session id

It seems like that our code just stopped.

It was running and suddenly starts to the get the error.

We use Chrome as main testing browser.

More information about my conf file:
exports.config = {
output: ‘./output’,
url: ‘’,
smartWait: 5000,
waitForTimeout: 30000,
browser: ‘chrome’,
keepCookies: true,
keepBrowserState: true,
restart: false,
windowSize: ‘maximize’,
// host: “pcbnu002466”,
// path: “/wd/hub”,
desiredCapabilities: { ‘zal:name’: ‘HCM - Recrutamento e Seleção - Abre Telas’, ‘acceptInsecureCerts’: true, “zal:idleTimeout”: 4000 }
CustomHelper: { require: ‘…/…/custom_helper.js’ },
{ require: ‘…/…/node_modules/codeceptjs/lib/helper/FileSystem.js’ },
endpoint: ‘’,
timeout: 30000
I: ‘…/…/steps_file.js’,
hcm: ‘…/…/pages/hcm.js’,
recrutamento: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/recrutamento.js’,
recrutamentoSelecao: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/recrutamentoSelecao.js’,
ambiente: ‘…/…/pages/ambiente.js’,
integrador: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/integrador.js’,
curriculoWeb: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/curriculoWeb.js’,
apiControllerRecrutamento: ‘…/…/api-controller/hcm/recrutamento/recrutamentoApiController.js’,
abreFechaTelas: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/abreFechaTelas.js’,
gerenciarVagas: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/gestao-recrutamento-selecao/gerenciarVagasPage’,
bancoDeTalentos: ‘…/…/pages/hcm/gestao-recrutamento-selecao/bancoDeTalentosPage’
stdout: ‘-’,
options: { verbose: true, debug: true, steps: true }
stdout: ‘-’,
options: { mochaFile: ‘./output/result-hcm-recrutamento-selecao-abretelas.xml’ }
stdout: ‘./output/hcm/console-hcm-recrutamento-selecao-abretelas.log’,
reportDir: ‘./output/hcm/’,
reportFilename: ‘mochawesome-hcm-hcm-recrutamento-selecao-abretelas’
retryFailedStep: { enabled: true, retries: 1 },
enabled: true,
methods: [‘switchTo’, ‘fillField’, ‘clearField’, ‘appendField’, ‘waitForValue’, ‘switchToNextTab’, ‘waitForElement’, ‘waitForText’, ‘seeElement’, ‘click’],
delayBefore: 400,
delayAfter: 400
bootstrap: false,
hooks: ,
tests: ‘…/…/tests/hcm/recrutamentoSelecao/abreFechaTelas/**/*.js’,
timeout: 10000,
browserTimeout: 15,
name: ‘hcmx’

Can someone, please, guide me throw the solution or come with any ideas where I can check what is wrong?
I’m kinda lost in this situation…

Once I got the error, all my executions stopped working.

Thank you in advance!