mockRequest results in TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined


I’m trying to write a test with mockRequest involved. I just set up a small project and wrote a basic test like follows:


const response = [{"phrase": "test"}, {"phrase": "hello"}, {"phrase": "world"}, {"phrase": "duckduckgo"}];

Scenario('search in Duckduckgo', ({I}) => {
    I.mockRequest('GET', '*', response);
    I.fillField('#search_form_input_homepage', 'hello');

But when I run yarn codeceptjs run --steps --debug --verbose I’m getting the following:

❯ yarn codeceptjs run --steps --debug --verbose
CodeceptJS v3.0.2
Using test root "/home/sergey/dev/codecept-example"
Helpers: Puppeteer, MockRequestHelper
Plugins: screenshotOnFail, retryFailedStep, tryTo

Search --
    [1]  Starting recording promises
  search in Duckduckgo
    I am on page ""
    › [Url]
    I mock request "GET", "*", [{"phrase":"test"},{"phrase":"hello"},{"phras…
    [1] Retrying... Attempt #2
    [1] Retrying... Attempt #3
    [1] Retrying... Attempt #4
    [1] Retrying... Attempt #5
    [1] Retrying... Attempt #6
    [1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
    [1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
    [1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
    [1] Starting <teardown> session
    [1] <teardown> Stopping recording promises
 › <screenshotOnFail> Test failed, try to save a screenshot
 › Screenshot is saving to /home/sergey/dev/codecept-example/output/search_in_Duckduckgo.failed.png
  ✖ FAILED in 5857ms

    [2]  Starting recording promises
    Polly was not disconnected, Puppeteer is already closed


  1) Search
       search in Duckduckgo:
     Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined

I’m probably doing something wrong. Though I can’t figure out what exactly.
The full project can be found here.