TypeError: this.grabAttributeFromAll is not a function

(see https://codecept.io/helpers/Puppeteer/#grabattributefromall)

I am trying to use Puppeteer method: grabAttributeFromAll() inside a Step function to get all the innerText attributes from all the ‘div’ elements on a page, like so:

let allDivTxt = await this.grabAttributeFromAll(‘div’, ‘innerText’);

The try/catch consoles out this error:

TypeError: this.grabAttributeFromAll is not a function

If I try to use a similar method that returns a single attribute , grabAttributeFrom(‘div’, ‘innerText’) , it works correctly ,returning a single attribute.

My question is: Is grabAttributeFromAll() a real Puppeteer function/method ? Has anyone ever used it? Except for the page link I put at the top of this post, I can not find a single reference or example anyplace I’ve looked.