Webstorm cannot run Codeceptjs 2.3.6 properly

Hi guys,
I don’t know if any of you is using Webstorm for your Codecept projects but I have a problem with it, it looks Webstorm cannot handle it. I installed the last version of codecept which is 2.3.6 and when I write the command of “npx codeceptjs def” steps.d.ts document is formed with a new way which looks more neat which is cool. However, while I am forming the test suites the methods are not being completed automatically and I cannot reach the codecept’s itself methods. Also I cannot call and use the methods which I created in step_file.js document VS Code can handle the new way of steps.d.ts document well. Is the anyone who encountered with this problem?

I reported the problem to Webstorm as well and they opened a bug so if you are also having the same problem you vote for this ticket so that it can be fixed faster: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-43024