Cypress - your thoughts?

What do you think of Cypress? Is that good for end to end testing?
The technology doesn’t look to be very new but the box is really fancy.
Who had the real usage experience and what pros/cons you found so far?

I have not used Cypress, but it is very well documented and seems very flexible and attracting. It is one of the frameworks in my list to try on new projects.

Cypress is great for debugging and helping you construct the test. The test runner is very graphical and nice for interactive work.
The syntax is simple and straightforward - not a million miles from CodeceptJS, but with a more fluent syntax.

The lack of cross-browser support and poor iframe support were what killed it for us though.

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I’m writing some tests in cypress.
Its more flexible, once you get a element, you can do a lot with it. On the other hand, it turns cypress more verbose than codeceptjs.

I dont thought debugging better than codeceptjs. They record a video from the tests, it’s cool, but i dont really miss that on codeceptjs. Codeceptjs with allure is really easy and beautiful to debug.

Cypress you can easily login by POST. Tried it on codeceptjs, but i failed.

And theres a thing that is a way better than cypress, the console mode. You can write your tests and you dont need to restart the whole scenario to know if it works. On cypress, if you want to test something, you need to run the test over and over again…

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Thanks @matheusouzatj

You can still do it in codeceptjs with REST helper. But (that’s important’) you will need to share cookies between REST session and browser session (probably I should improve that part).

Also we have introduced autoLogin plugin which allows to reuse browser session logging in once and not to depend on POST requests at all.

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that’s cool. I’ll try later to implement login with rest helper then :slight_smile: