How to disable steps when codecept-ui?

My codeceptjs version is 3.1.1, and codecept-ui version is 0.4.6.
When I am developing or demonstrating the web GUI testing script by Playwright, I often open the codecept-ui to run or debug the script, I notice that when the test run, will capture the screenshot for each interactive step, I would like to disable the screenshot for each interactive step, but I can’t the the way, I checked the command-line options of codecept-ui, option “–steps” is show step-by-step execution, even my command-line “codecept-ui --app” to display the codecept-ui (without “–steps”), but the codeceptjs keep capture the screenshot for each interactive step.

Could you kindly to provide the solution to disabled the screenshot for each interactive step during the test in codecept-ui?
