Hi, I have a problem, my event listener looks like this:

And utils file:
When I run the tests I got Webdriver as ‘undefined’(TypeError: Cannot read property ‘browser’ of undefined), but if I move all my functions to even listener, everything is working.
I don’t want to have them in one file, but don’t see what I am missing, I believe it is something simple that I cannot see because of my lack of knowledge…
Hi @Erzgerzog,
you should write your functions to a custom helper class that extends the Helper from codeceptjs and then require this new class (*.js file) in the codeceptjs config -> helper section.
Because then you have access to all available Helpers (like Webdriver) by getting it from the (parent) Helper:
example customActions.js:
const Helper = codeceptjs.helper;
class CustomActions extends Helper {
get webDriver() {
return this.helpers.WebDriver;
clickViaWebdriver(locator) {
This must be required in the codecepjs.conf otherwise codecetpjs does not know anything about the new Helper:
helpers: {
CustomActions: {
require: "../helpers/customActions.js"
Now you could access the functions via I.clickViaWebdriver(locator)
For detailed infos regarding custom helpers check the documentation: https://codecept.io/helpers/#extending-codeceptjs-with-custom-helpers