I’m using codeceptjs for the first time. I’m not full time on this, so I’ve been playing around in a proof of concept mode for a few months. I’m more of an analyst, but have general development experience but not in javascript.
At the moment I’m rewriting the overview page modules, pageObjects as classes extending a base overview class, so I have the common methods defined in the base class.
Similary I have for the detail forms a base detail class, where again common methods are defined.
I added setX methods to the pageObject, now I have lots of similar setX methods which I could also just have on the base class.
For others to use the pageObjects, I want to have (living) documentation.
I’ve tried different javascript documentation npm modules, but I have not found one, that can just parse the files without having the standard comment blocks. The best I got is docco where the source is browsable and esdoc seems nicest, but requires comment blocks as far as I can tell.
So question is, for the ./tests is there some tool that can generate documentation of the class properties and methods.
For the ./features I have gherkindoc installed, which looks very nice. If I have the pageObjects documented, I think the tester will be able to implement the bdd step_definitions themself, saving me some time and making them selfsufficient. I want to avoid testers writing css selectors with I object, as we have major upgrade of angular app and templates in the pipeline. So as little detail as possible in the tests would help with regression testing.