Hi, I don’t know if I understand your question very well, but I have a similar problem.
I found an outlet for something that might help you.
Using the Custom plugin you can create a script
After that I created a scprit using the internal API
my script looked like this:
const { event } = require('codeceptjs');
let ScenarioName = '';
module.exports = function () {
event.dispatcher.on(event.test.before, test => {
ScenarioName = test.title;
module.exports.ScenarioName = ScenarioName;
is working, it prints in the console the name of the scenario.
If you need, I’ll explain better how to put it.
But the problem I’m facing is that to get the name it executes reading the codecept.conf and I would like to put the scenario name inside my Appium helper, in
exports.config = {
output: './output',
helpers: {
Appium: {
app: process.env.APP,
host: 'hub-cloud.browserstack.com',
port: 4444,
platform: process.env.PLATFORM,
user: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USER,
key: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_APIKEY,
desiredCapabilities: {
build: process.env.BUILD,
device: process.env.DEVICE,
name: **ScenarioName**,
os_version: process.env.OS_VERSION,
idle_timout: 900,
automationName: process.env.AUTOMATION_NAME,
noReset: false,
newCommandTimout: '90',
autoGrantPermissions: true,
disableAnimation: true,
but it is not being possible because, first he sends the capabilities and then runs the script of the scenario.