Codecept + Protractor : Error while running testForAngular: script timeout Driver info: driver.version: unknown(refer snapshot attached)

Test scenarios are getting successfully executed if running using concept but getting issue if I choose the below protractor config file.

function in step_file.js is getting called correctly and URL entered is also opening.
below is the function which is getting failed:

login(username, password){
this.amOnPage(’/’); – showing


config file :
exports.config = {
output: ‘./output’,
url: ‘url name’,
driver: ‘hosted’,
browser: ‘chrome’,
windowSize: “maximize”,
smartWait: 15000,
rootElement: ‘body’,
timeouts: null,
desiredCapabilities: {
chromeOptions: {
prefs: {
profile: {
default_content_settings: {
popups: 0,
default_content_setting_values: {
automatic_downloads: true,
download: {
default_directory: downloadDir,
prompt_for_download: false,
directory_upgrade: true,
extensions: [],
//args: [ “–headless”,"–disable-gpu", “–no-sandbox”, “–window-size=1366,768”]
include: {
I: ‘./steps_file.js’,


bootstrap: false,
mocha: {},
gherkin: {
features: ‘.//web_features/.feature’,
steps: ‘.//web_step_definitions/.js’
plugins: {
allure: {
“enabled”: true,
screenshotOnFail: {
enabled: true,
fullPageScreenshots: true,
screenshotsForAllureReport: {
enabled: true
wdio: {
enabled: true,
services: [‘selenium-standalone’]
tests: ‘./step_definitions/*_Page.js’,
name: ‘test’,