How can we set process.env varibles at run time?

How can we set process.env varibles at run time?

I used .env file and save some env and use dotenv to access those .
But I want to set the values of those variable with
“ngx codeceptjs run” with parameters , how can I set ?

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How about export URL=abc & npx codeceptjs run?

Where I need to use this export , Can you please send more details?
I tried for profile , it works like
npx codeceptjs run --profile Chome

and in config file , I put profile: process.env.profile.
But its not working for user and password , How can we set custom variable as environment file and use?

You can call that env var in your code whenever you need. Something like process.env.URL.

Yes , I can , but how it can be use at runtime variable?

I want to give the values with run command.

Yeah even I’m looking for the run command. How can we use multiple profiles in run command?