Anyone else having issues with runOnAndroid and runOniOS?

Hi everyone,

I’m running into some challenges with newer versions of CodeceptJS, specifically when using the runOnAndroid and runOnIOS functions. Since upgrading past version 3.5.0, these functions consistently get stuck on the final step and freeze indefinitely just before they’re about to complete.

I considered downgrading back to 3.5.0, but that version brings its own problems—such as issues with performSwipe()—which are only resolved in the latest versions.

Here’s my current stack:

CodeceptJS: v3.6.5

Appium: v2.6.0

uiautomator2 2.25.1 (automationName: ‘UiAutomator2’)

xcuitest 4.35.0 (automationName: ‘XCUITest’)

espresso 2.23.5 (automationName: ‘Espresso’)

WebdriverIO: v7.16.7

I’ve also commented on this issue in the GitHub project under this ticket, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be getting much attention as the issue has been open for quite some time.

I’ve scoured the internet but haven’t found anyone else facing this specific issue. I’m hoping someone here might have a workaround or solution I haven’t yet tried. Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Probably this issue has been resolved by fix(appium): issue with async on runOnIos and runOnAndroid by kobenguyent · Pull Request #4525 · codeceptjs/CodeceptJS · GitHub